Хорошая дорогая утро! Доброе утро моя прекрасная невеста! Как твоя спина ; Вы следите за вашей спиной , ладно , вы отдохнуть, не холодно , ни работы ... мы поженились - должен заботиться, если ваша спина болит .. Я знаю, хороший массаж , все тело .. Я буду заботиться тебе ... с любовью ....
1) свидетельство о регистрации брака, о расторжении брака ( развод зарегистрирован в реестре , да. Я могу получить данный документ , я думаю) . этот документ полезным ?
2) развод (у меня есть ксерокопии , я вернулся домой, он нуждается проверки и апостиль, да я могу. )
3) " свидетельство о браке правоспособностью (развод в настоящее время , так как не состоит в браке ) должны быть апостиля ... "
( Свидетельство о заключении брака : 1) у меня есть возможность вступить в брак, 2) от развода (решение : 03 июня 2010 г.) В настоящее время я не женат . ) .. эту просьбу ? Если "да" , я должен попроситьрегистратора ... Я не знаю ... Если этот документ должен иметь определенный текст вы должны сказать мне ..
4) паспорт (оригинал ) - копия паспорта ( ксерокопия) апостиль . хорошо; (я думаю, это нормально ... )
5 ) я скучаю любого документа ?
Комментарии - вопросы
6) как правило, в Греции мы копируем официальные документы ( делать фотокопии ) утверждают ксерокопию , а затем апостиль, признал, что ? (Я сделал мою дочьстепени таким же образом, для Америки )
7) какие документы (1,2,3) полезны?
8) , какие документы (1,2,3) нужно апостилем ( апостиль на оригинал, не фотокопии апостиль )
9) Мои мысли -> Документ 1,2,3 делать копии официально апостиль и принести ..... принести оригинал ( официальное , без перевода, без апостиля ) , правильно или неправильно мое мышление ;
Ответьте мне , используя простые слова также могут воспользоваться номерами ( например: " 1) -> OK") . Я должен понять , важный ... (Google перевод не хорошо ... )
Я посещаю регистратором -> среда наверное ...
С 1 ноября я начну баллотироваться на мои документы и паспорт ... должна закончить свою работу в первую очередь .. У меня нет времени ...
Подарок на день рождения я не послал , я получил подарок, но я не посылал ( экспресс-почта, много денег (100 $ ! ), Я рассердился на почту -службе ..) я сделаю мой паспорт (паспорт расходов те же деньги ) ... Я получу ваш подарок ! (также не забывать измерить пальцем , хорошо? Мне нужно, чтобы заказать наши обручальные кольца )
Вы не подчеркнуть, моя любовь , хорошо? все будет хорошо , в декабре я буду с вами! Я тебя очень люблю ....
я иду , чтобы обнять мою Наташу ... вы заботитесь о своем назад , хорошо моя любовь ? вы должны отдыхать и держите спину теплой , хорошо? Целую тебя ...
[22/10/2013 4:10:36 πμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: Привет, любимый.
3. Свидетесьство о правоспособности оригинал. Апостиль на оригинале ставить. Не на копии!!!! На оригинале апостиль.
[22/10/2013 9:44:33 πμ] Labis Kat: Доброе утро моя любовь!
Хорошо, хорошо!
Единственным документом, 3 апостиля на оригинале?
Документы 1,2 апостиля на копии?
3 документа в порядке, как я описал?
если нам нужно что-нибудь еще, вы скажите мне, хорошо? я пойду в реестре завтра ...
Увидимся позже .... Люблю тебя ... очень!
[22/10/2013 9:54:56 πμ] Labis Kat: я сажусь на кровать, и я спать после 1-2 часов ... Я не могу спать .. ты всегда в моих мыслях ... скучаю по тебе ...
[22/10/2013 9:58:19 πμ] Labis Kat: Я иду на работу .. поцеловать тебя моя любовь ...
[22/10/2013 2:35:26 μμ] Labis Kat: У меня хорошие новости .. я позвонил в местное туристическое агентство ... они могут применить визу для меня без пойти в Афинах .. я жду их, чтобы позвонить мне и дать мне цену на билет и визу ... Я также позвонил своему страховому агенту на медицинское страхование путешествий .. Я Ждем ответа ...
как твоя спина моя дорогая? Я беспокоюсь о тебе ... Люблю ...
[22/10/2013 2:37:02 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: Привет, милый. Я только пришла домой. Ходила по делам.
[22/10/2013 2:37:21 μμ] Labis Kat: hey! (sun)
[22/10/2013 2:37:26 μμ] Labis Kat: :*
[22/10/2013 2:37:37 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: Вообще у меня не спина - поясница. Лучше надеюсь
[22/10/2013 2:37:51 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: Как
[22/10/2013 2:37:55 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: Люблю
[22/10/2013 2:38:10 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: Лабис люблю тебя
[22/10/2013 2:38:57 μμ] Labis Kat: я тебя люблю мой слишком милая женщина!
[22/10/2013 2:41:30 μμ] Labis Kat: Я должен остаться спокойным ... У меня есть так много вещей, чтобы сделать ... пламя моей любви о вас получить расти трудно ... Я сказал вам, мое сердце принадлежит тебе ...
[22/10/2013 2:41:47 μμ] Labis Kat: (heart)
[22/10/2013 2:41:59 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: Мое сердце тож твое, мой лев
[22/10/2013 2:42:16 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: (heart)
[22/10/2013 2:42:51 μμ] Labis Kat: :*
[22/10/2013 2:44:17 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: :*
[22/10/2013 2:44:35 μμ] Labis Kat: Иногда у меня нет слов ... Я хочу обнять тебя так много ... Я хочу, чтобы ты глубоко в моем объятия без конца ...
[22/10/2013 2:45:39 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: :*
[22/10/2013 2:46:10 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: Я сейчас хочу кушать и отдохнуть ...поговорим еще позже?
[22/10/2013 2:46:43 μμ] Labis Kat: yes! ok!
[22/10/2013 2:51:11 μμ] Labis Kat: Я должен идти ... Я собираюсь выкурить сигарету и спокойно ... Я скучаю по тебе плохо ... Вы идете отдохнуть и поесть, хорошо моя любовь? Я буду ходить на работу, у меня больше дополнительной работы (еще одного автомобиля сегодня ...), надеюсь, увидимся позже ... проверить мое письмо о документах, я жду ответы на некоторые вопросы .. Я должен правильно понимаю, до последнего подробнее ... Я хочу, чтобы все было в порядке 100% ... Желаем вам приятного аппетита и хорошо отдохнуть ... вам это нужно ... целует мою любовь ... поцелуи везде ...
[22/10/2013 2:51:17 μμ] Labis Kat: :*
[22/10/2013 2:55:08 μμ] Labis Kat: заботиться ... пожалуйста ...
[22/10/2013 2:55:16 μμ] Labis Kat: :*
[22/10/2013 2:55:20 μμ] Labis Kat: (wave)
[22/10/2013 2:56:13 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: :*
[22/10/2013 5:39:45 μμ] Labis Kat: (F)
[22/10/2013 5:43:20 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: :*
[22/10/2013 5:43:33 μμ] Labis Kat: привет моей любви!
[22/10/2013 5:43:38 μμ] Labis Kat: :*
[22/10/2013 5:43:45 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: Hi
[22/10/2013 5:44:18 μμ] Labis Kat: как дела? У меня есть перерыв, чтобы немного отдохнуть ...
[22/10/2013 5:44:42 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: Конечно отдыхай
[22/10/2013 5:46:38 μμ] Labis Kat: моя возлюбленная Вы проверили документы, которые я описал?
[22/10/2013 5:48:31 μμ] Labis
Good morning, my dear! Good morning my beautiful bride! How's your back, you watch your back, okay, you have a rest, no cold, no work ... we got married - I care when your back hurts .. I knowgood massage, full body .. I'll take care of you ... with love ....
1) a certificate of registration of marriage, dissolution of marriage (divorce is registered in the registry, yes. Can I get the paper, I think).this document helpful?
2) divorce (I have a photocopy, I returned home, he needs to check and apostille, yes I can.)
3) "certificate of legal capacity to marriage (divorce at the moment,so as not married) must be apostille ... "
(Certificate of Marriage: 1) I have the opportunity to marry, 2) of divorce (solution: June 3, 2010) At present, I am not married.) .. This request?If "yes", I have to poprositregistratora ... I do not know ... If this document has to have some text you have to tell me ..
4) passport (original) - Copy of passport (photocopy) apostille. well, (I thinkit's normal ... )
5) I miss any document? Comments
6 issues) are generally in Greece, we copy official documents (to photocopy) argue copy and then apostille, acknowledged that?(I did my dochstepeni in the same way for America) = 7) which documents (1,2,3) are useful?
8), which documents (1,2,3) need an apostille (Apostille on the original, not a photocopy apostille)
9) My thoughts -> Document 1.2,3 to make copies of official apostille and bring ..... bring the original (official, no translation, no apostille), right or wrong my thinking;
Tell me,using simple words can also use numbers (for example: "1) -> ok"). I have to understand, important ... (Google translation is not good ...)
I visit the registrar -> Wednesday probably ...
On November 1, I will start to run for my papers and passport ... must finish the job in the first place .. I do not have time ...
Birthday gift I sent, I received a giftbut I have not sent (express mail, a lot of money ($ 100!), I was angry with mail service ..) I'll do my passport (passport spending the same money) ... I'll get your gift! (Also do not forget to measure your finger, right? I needto order our wedding rings)
You do not stress my love, okay? all will be well, in December, I'll be with you! I love you very much ....
I'm going to hug my Natasha ... you take care of your back,well my love? you have to relax and keep your back warm, right? I kiss you ...
[22/10/2013 4:10:36 πμ] nataliya dubrovina: Hello, lover.
3. Svidetesstvo the legal capacity of the original. Apostille on the original bet. Not on a copy!!On the original apostille.
[22/10/2013 9:44:33 πμ] labis kat: Good morning my love
Good, good!
The only document on the original 3 apostille?
Documents 1.2 apostille on a copy?
3 of document in order, as I have described?
if we need anything else, you tell me, OK? I'm going to register tomorrow ...
See you later .... Love you ... very!
[22/10/2013 9:54:56 πμ] labis kat: I sit on the bed, and I sleep 1-2 hours after ... I can not sleep ..you're always on my mind ... miss you ...
[22/10/2013 9:58:19 πμ] labis kat: I go to work .. kiss you my love ...
[22/10/2013 2:35:26 μμ] labis kat: I have good news .. I called a local travel agency ...they can apply for a visa to go without me in Athens .. I'm waiting for them to call me and give me the price of the ticket and visa ... I also called my insurance agent to medical travel insurance .. I wait for their answer ...
as your back my dear? I'm worried about you ... I love ...
[22/10/2013 2:37:02 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: Hi, honey. I just got home. Went for.
[22/10/2013 2:37:21 μμ] labis kat: hey! (Sun)
[22/10/2013 2:37:26 μμ] labis kat :: *
[22/10/2013 2:37:37 μμ] nataliya dubrovina:I actually have no back - back. Better hope
[22/10/2013 2:37:51 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: As
[22/10/2013 2:37:55 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: Love
[10/22/2013 2:38:10 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: Labis love you
[22/10/2013 2:38:57 μμ] labis kat: I love you too my dear woman!
[22/10/2013 2:41:30 μμ] labis kat: I have to stay calm ... I have so many things to do ... the flame of my love for you to get hard to grow ... I told you, my heart belongs to you ...
[22/10/2013 2:41:47 μμ] labis kat: (heart)
[22/10/2013 2:41:59 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: My heart is your identity, my lion
[22/10/2013 2:42:16 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: (heart)
[22/10/2013 2:42:51 μμ] labis kat: : *
[22/10/2013 2:44:17 μμ] nataliya dubrovina :: *
[22/10/2013 2:44:35 μμ] labis kat: Sometimes I have no words ... I want to hug you so much ... I wantso you deep in my arms without end ...
[22/10/2013 2:45:39 μμ] nataliya dubrovina :: *
[22/10/2013 2:46:10 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: I now want to eat and relax ... talk more later?
[22/10/2013 2:46:43 μμ] labis kat: yes! ok!
[22/10/2013 2:51:11 μμ] labis kat: I have to go ...I'm going to smoke a cigarette and calmly ... I miss you bad ... You are going to rest and eat well my love? I will go to work, I have more extra work (another car today ...)I hope I'll see you later ... check my email about the documents, I'm waiting for some answers .. I have to understand it correctly, to the last details ... I want everything to be in the order of 100% ...We wish you a pleasant meal and a good rest ... you need it ... kissing my love ... kisses everywhere ...
[22/10/2013 2:51:17 μμ] labis kat :: *
[22/10/2013 2:55:08 μμ] labis kat: take care ... please ...
[22/10/2013 2:55:16 μμ] labis kat :: *
[22/10/2013 2:55:20 μμ] labis kat:(Wave)
[22/10/2013 2:56:13 μμ] nataliya dubrovina :: *
[22/10/2013 5:39:45 μμ] labis kat: (f)
[22/10/2013 5 : 43:20 μμ] nataliya dubrovina :: *
[22/10/2013 5:43:33 μμ] labis kat: hi my love!
[22/10/2013 5:43:38 μμ] labis kat :: *
[22/10/2013 5:43:45 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: hi
[22/10/2013 5:44:18 μμ] labis kat: how are you? I have a break,to relax a bit ...
[22/10/2013 5:44:42 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: Sure rest
[22/10/2013 5:46:38 μμ] labis kat: my beloved you check the documents I described?
[22/10/2013 5:48:31 μμ] labis
Μεταφράζονται, παρακαλώ περιμένετε..

Good morning dear! Good morning my beautiful bride! How is your back; You watch your back, okay, you relax, not cold, no job ... We got married-must take care, when your back hurts. I know a good massage, the whole body. I'll take care of you ... with love ....
1) marriage certificate, divorce (divorce registered in the registry, so I can get the paper, I think). the document useful?) 2
divorce (I have a copy, I returned home, it needs verification and Apostille, yes I can.)
3) "certificate of marriage (capacity divorce now, because it is not married) must have an Apostille. "
(Marriage certificate: 1) I have the opportunity to get married, 2) from divorce (decision: June 3, 2010) I am currently not married. ) .. This request? If "Yes", I have poprosit′registratora ... I do not know... If the document must have a specific text you have to tell me. ..
4) passport (original)-copy of the Passport (photocopy) of the Apostille. well; (I think It's OK ...)
5) I miss any document?
6) usually in Greece we copy official documents (photocopy) claim a photocopy, and then an Apostille, admitted that? (I did my doč′stepeni in the same way for America)
7) which documents (1, 2, 3) helpful?
8), which documents (1, 2, 3) need an Apostille (apostil on the original, not a photocopy)
9) my thoughts-> 1.2 Document,3 make copies of official Apostille and bring ... bring the original (official, without translation, no Apostille), right or wrong, my thinking;
please reply me, using simple words can also make use of the number (for example: "1)-> OK"). I must understand the important ... (Google translation is not good ...)
I visit Registrar-> Wednesday probably ...
From 1 November, I'll start running for my documents and passport. should finish their job first.. I don't have the time ...
birthday gift I sent, I got the gift, but I did not send (express mail, a lot of money ($ 100!), I got angry on mail service..) I'll do my passport (passport, costs the same amount of money). I receive your gift! (also don't forget to measure your finger good? I need to order our wedding rings)
you do not stress my love, okay? all will be well, in December I'll be with you! I love you very much. ...
I'm going to hug my Natasha ... you take care of your back, OK my love? you need to relax and keep your back warm, okay? Kiss you ...
[10/22/2013 4:10:36 πμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: Hi, my love.
3. Svidetes′stvo on the legal capacity of the original. Apostille on the original bet. Not to copy! The original Apostille.
[10/22/2013 9:44:33 πμ] Labis Kat: good morning my love!
OK, well the only document Apostille 3 original?
1.2 Documents Apostille copy?
3 document in order, as I described?
If we need anything else, you tell me, okay? I'm going to go in the registry ...
see you later .... Love you ... pretty!
[10/22/2013 9:54:56 πμ] Labis Kat: I sit down on the bed and I sleep after 1-2 hours. I can't sleep ... you are always in my thoughts ... Miss you ...
[10/22/2013 9:58:19 πμ] Labis Kat: I go to work. kiss you my love ...
[10/22/2013 2:35:26 μμ] Labis Kat: I have good news. .. I called a local travel agency. they can apply a visa for me without having to go in Athens. I'm waiting for them to call me and give me a price for the ticket and a visa. I also called my insurance agent for medical travel insurance. I am waiting for reply ...
like your spin my dear? I'm worried about you ... Love ...
[10/22/2013 02:37:02 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: Hi, dear. I just came home. I went on business.
[10/22/2013 2:37:21 μμ] Labis Kat: hey! (sun)
[10/22/2013 2:37:26 μμ] Labis Kat::*
[10/22/2013 2:37:37 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: I actually have no back-loin. Better hope
[10/22/2013 2:37:51 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina:
[10/22/2013 2:37:55 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: Love
[10/22/2013 2:38:10 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: Labis love you
[10/22/2013 2:38:57 μμ] Labis Kat: I love you my sweet woman too!
[10/22/2013 2:41: 30 μμ Labis] Kat: I have to stay calm. I have so many things to do ... the flame of my love on you get to grow hard ... I told you, my heart belongs to you ...
[10/22/2013 2:41:47 μμ] Kat: Labis (heart)
[10/22/2013 2:41:59 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: my heart is also yours, my Lion
[10/22/2013 2:42:16 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: (heart)
[10/22/2013 2:42:51 μμ] Labis Kat::*
[10/22/2013 2:44:17 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina::*
[10/22/2013 2:44:35 μμ] Labis Kat: Sometimes I have no words ... I want to hug you so much ... I want you're deep in my arms without end ...
[10/22/2013 2:45:39 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina::*
[10/22/2013 2:46:10 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: I now want to eat and relax.We'll talk more later?
[10/22/2013 2:46:43 μμ] Labis Kat: yes! ok!
[10/22/2013 2:51:11 μμ] Labis Kat: I must go ... I'm going to smoke a cigarette and calm ... I miss you badly ... You are going to rest and eat well, my love? I will go to work, I have more extra work (another car today ...) hope to see you later ... check out my letter about the documents, I am waiting for some answers. Should I understand correctly, more ... I want everything to be OK 100% ... We wish you bon appétit and have a good rest ... you need it ... Kisses my love. Kisses everywhere ...
[10/22/2013 2:51:17 μμ] Labis Kat::*
[10/22/2013 02:55:08 μμ] Labis Kat: take care ... Please ...
[10/22/2013 2:55:16 μμ] Labis Kat::*
[10/22/2013 2:55:20 μμ] Labis Kat: (wave)
[10/22/2013 2:56:13 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina::*
[10/22/2013 5:39:45 μμ] Labis Kat: (F)
[10/22/2013 5:43:20 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina::*
[10/22/2013 5:43:33 μμ] Labis Kat: Hi my love!
[10/22/2013 5:43:38 μμ] Labis Kat::*
[10/22/2013 5:43:45 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: Hi
[10/22/2013 5:44:18 μμ] Labis Kat: how are you? I have a break, to relax a bit ...
[10/22/2013 5:44:42 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: of course rest
[10/22/2013 5:46:38 μμ] Labis Kat: my sweetheart you checked the documents I described?
[10/22/2013 5:48:31 μμ] Labis
Μεταφράζονται, παρακαλώ περιμένετε..

This is a good good morning! Good morning my beautiful bride! As your spin ; you make sure of your back , okay , you relax, not cold, no work ... we got married - should have the care, if your back hurts .. I know,A good massage , all the body .. I care for you ... with love .... Lord (1) a certificate of registration of marriage, on the dissolution of marriage (divorce is registered in the registry, yes. I can get this document , i think) .This document a useful ?
(2) divorce (i have a photocopy, I returned home, he needs to be verification and apostille, yes I can. )
(3) " the marriage certificate legal capacity (divorce is currently ,As is not married ) must be apostille ... "
( marriage certificate : (1) I have the opportunity to enter into a marriage, (2) the divorce (decision: 03 June 2010.) currently, I am not married. ) .. This request ?If "yes", i must попроситьрегистратора ... I don't know ... If the document should be in a specific text you must tell me ..
4) passport (original ) - copy of passport ( photocopy) apostille . well; (i think,This is normal ... )Lord 5 ) i miss any document ?lord comments - questions
6) as a general rule, in Greece we limit ourselves official documents ( make photocopies ) claim a photocopy and then apostille, recognized that ?(I made my own дочьстепени in the same manner as for America )
7) what documents (1,2,3 ) useful?
8) , what documents (1,2,3 ) you want gst ( apostille on the original, not photocopies apostille )
(9) my thoughts -> Document 1.2 ,3 Make copies officially apostille and bring ..... bring the original ( formal , without translation, without apostille ) , correctly or incorrectly my thinking ;lord answer me ,By using simple words can also use numbers ( for example: " (1) -> OK") . I must understand, an important ... (Google translation is not well ... )
I teach at recorder -> environment perhaps ...
On 1 November, i'll stand on my documents and passport ... should conclude its work in the first place .. I don't have the time ...
a gift on the day of birth i have not sent them, I received a gift,But I do not send ( express-mail, a lot of money (100 $ ! ), I was angry at the mail -service ..) i will make my passport (passport cost the same money ) ... I receive your gift ! (Also not forget measure your finger , very well? I want to,To order our jewelry )
you do not emphasize, my love, well? All will be well, in December i will be with you! I love you so much ....
i am going to cuddle my Natasha ... are you talking about his back ,Well my love ? You must relax and keep your back warm , very well? An entire thee ...
[ 22/10/2013 4:10:36 am πμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: Hi, your favorite.
3. Свидетесьство on legal capacity the original. Apostille on the original place. Not on the copy!!!!On the original apostille.
[ 22/10/2013 9:44:33 am πμ] Lаbis Kat: Good morning my love!
well, well!
the only document, 3 apostille on the original?
documents 1.2 apostille on the copy?
3 of the document in the order, as I have described?
If we need something, you tell me, is well? I won't go in the registry tomorrow ...
i'll see you later .... I love you ... very!
[ 22/10/2013 9:54:56 am πμ] Lаbis Kat: i forget it on the bed, and I sleep after 1-2 hours ... I cannot go to bed ..You are always in my thoughts ... i miss you ...
[ 22/10/2013 9:58:19 am πμ] Lаbis Kat: I am going to work .. kiss thee my love ...
[ 22/10/2013 2:35:26 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: i have good news ... i telephoned the local travel agency ...They can be applied without visa for me to go to the Athens .. i'm looking forward to, to call me and give me price for the ticket and visa ... I also called his insurance agent on medical insurance .. I look forward to your reply ...
As your spin my expensive? I'm worried about you ... I love ...
[ 22/10/2013 2:37:02 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: Hey, do you know what I'm going. I only came home. prayed for.
[ 22/10/2013 2:37:21 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: Hey! (Sun)
(22/10/2013 2:37:26 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: : *
[ 22/10/2013 2:37:37 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа:In general I do not spin - serpentine snake. Better hope
[ 22/10/2013 2:37:51 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: As
[ 22/10/2013 2:37:55 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: Love
[ 22/10/2013 2:38:10 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: Лабис i love thee
[ 22/10/2013 2:38:57 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: i love you too my sweet woman!
(22/10/2013 2.41:30 μμ] Lаbis Kat: Do I have to stay calm ... I have so many things to do ... the flame my love for you to get to grow it is difficult to ... I told you, my heart belongs to you ...
[ 22/10/2013 2:41:47 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: (heart)
(22/10/2013 2:41 AM:59 Μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: My heart ect thee, my left
[ 22/10/2013 2:42:16 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: (heart)
(22/10/2013 2:42:51 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: : *
[ 22/10/2013 2:44:17 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: : *
[ 22/10/2013 2:44:35 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: Sometimes I have no words ... I want to send a hug you so much ... I want to,To ensure that you are deeply in my bosom without end ...
[ 22/10/2013 2:45:39 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: : *
[ 22/10/2013 2:46:10 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: I want to eat and relax ... let's talk about it later?
[ 22/10/2013 2:46:43 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: yes! OK!
[ 22/10/2013 2:51:11 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: I must go ...I'm going to - a cigar cigarette and calm ... I miss you badly ... Are you going relax and eat well my love? I will go to work, I have more additional work (even one vehicle today ... ),I hope, i'll see you later ... check my letter about the documents, I am answers to some questions .. I must correctly understand that, until the last more ... I wish that all was in order 100% ...Wish you bon appetit and relax ... you are ... thyself my love ... a kiss everywhere ...
[ 22/10/2013 2:51:17 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: : *
[ 22/10/2013 2:55:08 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: take care ... please ...
[ 22/10/2013 2:55:16 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: : *
[ 22/10/2013 2:55:20 am μμ] Lаbis Kat:(Wave)
(22/10/2013 2:56:13 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: : *
[ 22/10/2013 5:39:45 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: (F)
(22/10/2013 5:43:20 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: : *
[ 22/10/2013 5:43:33 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: Hi my love!
[ 22/10/2013 5:43:38 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: : *
[ 22/10/2013 5:43:45 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: Hi
[ 22/10/2013 5:44:18 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: the case? I have a break,To slightly relax ...
[ 22/10/2013 5:44:42 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: Of course Daphne
[ 22/10/2013 5:46:38 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: my: you have checked documents, which I have described?
[ 22/10/2013 5:48:31 am μμ] Lаbis
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