[21/10/2013 5:53:13 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: привет[21/10/2013 5:53:24  μετάφραση - [21/10/2013 5:53:13 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: привет[21/10/2013 5:53:24  Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

[21/10/2013 5:53:13 μμ] Nataliya Du

[21/10/2013 5:53:13 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: привет
[21/10/2013 5:53:24 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: извини что то сегодня болит поясница..
[21/10/2013 5:53:36 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: я не девочка..извини..
[21/10/2013 5:54:40 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: нужно твой загран паспорт
[21/10/2013 5:54:48 μμ] Labis Kat: Эй ... ваша спина болит?
[21/10/2013 5:55:30 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: свидетельство о разводе (или решение суда) апостилированный
[21/10/2013 5:55:31 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: поясница..извини..
[21/10/2013 5:55:42 μμ] Labis Kat: я извиняюсь моя любовь о спину ... Я знаю, как это больно ...
[21/10/2013 5:55:43 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: занималась гимнастикой, теперь болит чуть
[21/10/2013 5:57:35 μμ] Labis Kat: только сертификат развода нужны?
[21/10/2013 5:57:41 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: справка о брачной правоспособности (с момента развода по настоящее время- чтобы не был женат) Справка должна апостилированная быть...
[21/10/2013 5:58:00 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: виза, регистрационная карта..
[21/10/2013 5:58:23 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: паспорт - копия апостилировать
[21/10/2013 5:58:50 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: свидетельство о разводе (или решение суда) что у вас есть не знаю - копия апостилированная
[21/10/2013 5:59:17 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: справка о брачной правосопосбности - на самой справке печать апостилирования..
[21/10/2013 5:59:34 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: все документы твои мы переведем здесь в Алмате
[21/10/2013 5:59:52 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: срок 1 месяц календарных дней..
[21/10/2013 6:01:16 μμ] Labis Kat: wait, ok?
[21/10/2013 6:01:23 μμ] Labis Kat: :*
[21/10/2013 6:01:38 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: ok
[21/10/2013 6:02:34 μμ] Labis Kat: справка о брачной правосопосбности - на самой справке печать апостилирования..
[21/10/2013 6:02:52 μμ] Labis Kat: правосопосбности???? translate, please
[21/10/2013 6:04:21 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: правоспособности...(что ты не женатый сейчас и с момента своег развода не состишь в браке)
[21/10/2013 6:05:16 μμ] Labis Kat: ok!
[21/10/2013 6:05:57 μμ] Labis Kat: "справка о брачной правоспособности (с момента развода по настоящее время- чтобы не был женат) Справка должна апостилированная быть..."
[21/10/2013 6:06:44 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: да (апостилированная - эот значит печать стоит на самой спарвке)
[21/10/2013 6:06:52 μμ] Labis Kat: это тот же документ о емкости брака?
[21/10/2013 6:07:07 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: [Δευτέρα, 21 Οκτωβρίου 2013 6:13 μμ] Labis Kat:

Από: -
Για: -
Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
[21/10/2013 5:53:13 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: hi
[21/10/2013 5:53:24 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: I'm sorry that today it hurts the back ..
[21/10/2013 5 : 53:36 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: I'm not a girl .. I'm sorry ..
[21/10/2013 5:54:40 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: need your foreign passport
[10/21/2013 5:54:48 μμ] labis kat: Hey ...Your back hurts?
[21/10/2013 5:55:30 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: divorce certificate (or judgment) Apostille
[21/10/2013 5:55:31 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: back .. I'm sorry ..
[21/10/2013 5:55:42 μμ] labis kat: I'm sorry my love on the back ... I knowhow it hurts ...
[21/10/2013 5:55:43 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: a gymnast, now a little sore
[21/10/2013 5:57:35 μμ] labis kat: only need a certificate of divorce ?
[21/10/2013 5:57:41 μμ] nataliya dubrovina:the marriage certificate of legal capacity (since the divorce at the present time, so as not married), reference should be apostilled ...
[21/10/2013 5:58:00 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: visa, registration card ..
[21 / 10/2013 5:58:23 μμ] nataliya dubrovina:passport - a copy apostilled
[21/10/2013 5:58:50 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: divorce certificate (or court) that you have do not know - a copy apostilled
[21/10/2013 5:59:17 μμ] nataliya dubrovina:certificate of marriage pravosoposbnosti - on the most help apostille stamp ..
[21/10/2013 5:59:34 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: all your documents we translate here in Almaty
[21/10/2013 5:59:52 μμ ] nataliya dubrovina: 1 month period of calendar days ..
[21/10/2013 6:01:16 μμ] labis kat: wait, ok?
[21/10/2013 6:01:23 μμ] labis kat :: *
[21/10/2013 6:01:38 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: ok
[21 / 10/2013 6:02:34 μμ] labis kat: certificate of marriage pravosoposbnosti - on the most help apostille stamp ..
[21/10/2013 6:02:52 μμ] labis kat: pravosoposbnosti?? translate, please
[21/10/2013 6:04:21 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: capacity ... (you're not married now, and since the divorce svoeg not married)
[21/10/2013 6:05:16 μμ] labis kat: ok!
[21/10/2013 6:05:57 μμ] labis kat:"Certificate of legal capacity of marriage (since the divorce at the present time, so as not married), reference should be apostilled ..."
[21/10/2013 6:06:44 μμ] nataliya dubrovina:Yes (apostilled - EnTA means printing is on the very sparvke)
[21/10/2013 6:06:52 μμ] labis kat: this is the same document on the capacity of marriage?
[21/10/2013 6:07:07 μμ ] nataliya dubrovina: [Δευτέρα, 21 Οκτωβρίου 2013 6:13 μμ] labis kat:

<<< capacity b
[21/10/2013 6:07:32 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: this information about what you're not married ..
[21/10/2013 6:08:01 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: How many years after the divorce? I asked how old you are divorced ..
[21/10/2013 6:08:10 μμ] labis kat: ok, wait .. : *
[21/10/2013 6:13:22 μμ] labis kat:1) certificate, which I'm not married
2) a certificate that I was not married to my divorce, so far, is not it?
3) a copy of the passport (apostille)
4) visa and registration cards
5) certificate of divorce or * All court documents in order?I missed something?
[21/10/2013 6:14:43 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: [Δευτέρα, 21 Οκτωβρίου 2013 6:20 μμ] labis kat:

<<< 1) certificate, which I do not married
2) a certificate that I was not married to my divorce, so far, it must be apostille ...
[10/21/2013 6:15:18 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: You judgment of divorce or divorce certificate?
[21/10/2013 6:15:35 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: We on the divorce papers .. What do you have in Greece?
[21/10/2013 6:15:46 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: Passport do not need an apostille ..
[21/10/2013 6:16:52 μμ] labis kat: yes, I know about apostille, all my documents have to be apostille, I know,
[21/10/2013 6:16:57 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: 1) passport (we assure and translate notary )
[21/10/2013 6:17:28 μμ] nataliya dubrovina:2) a certificate (or a court decision - I do not know what have you) Apostille (print)
[21/10/2013 6:18:09 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: not on the certificate and print the copy
[21/10 / 2013 6:19:09 μμ] nataliya dubrovina:information that you are not married (the marriage legal capacity) this certificate apostille (print)
[21/10/2013 6:19:53 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: All documents are brought originals and copies (on copies APOSTILLE). a certificate that is not married - it apostille
[21/10/2013 6:20:19 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: visa. Registration card (it will give the airport)
[21/10/2013 6:20:39 μμ] labis kat: yes, ok!
[21/10/2013 6:20:53 μμ] nataliya dubrovina :: *
[ 21/10/2013 6:21:08 μμ] labis kat: xaxa, ok!!!!!!
[21/10/2013 6:21:13 μμ] labis kat :: *
[21/10/2013 6:21:24 μμ] nataliya dubrovina:Why are you laughing?
[21/10/2013 6:22:01 μμ] labis kat: The horror! xaxa! Do not worry, I'll do it
[21/10/2013 6:22:49 μμ] labis kat: my love is a lot of information .... Okay, I'll do it
[21/10/2013 6:23:05 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: What horror. Passport - EXTEND ..Certificate (or judgment) of divorce you have. Help take ...
[21/10/2013 6:23:15 μμ] labis kat: I'm with you
[21/10/2013 6:23:49 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: You have everything, that is only a reference Single'll take it.And he put the apostille on it and a copy of the divorce .. and all ..
[21/10/2013 6:24:04 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: Perevrd we do here and notarize ...
[21/10/2013 6:24:16 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: Translation here ..
[21/10/2013 6:25:01 μμ] labis kat: ok!!!!
[21/10/2013 6:25:15 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: OK!!!!
[21/10/2013 6:25:43 μμ] labis kat: You ask about the cost of translation and assure?
[21/10/2013 6:28:04 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: why? Really pay somehow together ... Our money is enough ... I probably also are participating in it ... I'll pay ..
[21/10/2013 6:28:48 μμ] labis kat :: *
[21/10/2013 6:29:06 μμ] nataliya dubrovina :: *
[21/10/2013 6:31:50 μμ ] labis kat: Well, look, I'm going to read again carefully all the information ... I will write to you that we have here in Greece, right? I thinkwe speak the same documents you need here ... I'll read later, OK?
I must go, my love, I have a job in the city, you go back to rest, okay? I do not want to totrure you more today ...We'll talk tomorrow, okay?
[21/10/2013 6:32:42 μμ] labis kat: You go the rest ... please ... take care ...
[21/10/2013 6:33:44 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: ca
[21/10/2013 6:34:13 μμ] labis kat: I have the documents, you do not worry;also you do not have to worry, I will surely come ... I love you ... very ...
[21/10/2013 6:34:35 μμ] labis kat: (heart)
[21/10/2013 6:35:11 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: (heart)
[21/10 / 2013 6:35:51 μμ] labis kat: Of course I love my Natasha!'ll talk tomorrow, my sweet love ... OK?
[21/10/2013 6:36:18 μμ] nataliya dubrovina: ok
[21/10/2013 6:37:53 μμ] labis kat: I have to go, I have an appointment, I should not be late Also, I have to work up to the end ... busy days ...I'll be fine, do not worry .. to relax and embrace your labis be ... Sure, I feel that ... I love you my Natasha ..
[21/10/2013 6:38:13 μμ] labis kat: (heart)
Μεταφράζονται, παρακαλώ περιμένετε..
Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]
[10/21/2013 5:53:13 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: Hi
[10/21/2013 5:53:24 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: sorry that today the sore lower back. ...
[10/21/2013 5:53:36 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: I'm not a girl.I'm sorry ...
[10/21/2013 5:54:40 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: need your Passport
[10/21/2013 5:54:48 μμ] Labis Kat: Hi ... your back hurts?
[10/21/2013 5:55:30 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: divorce (or judgment) sworn
[10/21/2013 5:55:31 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: loin.I'm sorry ...
[10/21/2013 5:55:42 μμ] Labis Kat: I'm sorry my love on the back ... I know how it hurts ...
[10/21/2013 5:55:43 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: engaged in gymnastics, now it hurts a bit
[10/21/2013 5:57:35 μμ] Labis Kat: only a certificate of divorce?
[10/21/2013 5:57:41 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: certificate of marital capacity (after the divorce to the present-not married) with Apostille certificate must be ...
[10/21/2013 05:58 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: Visa, registration card. ..
[10/21/2013 5:58:23 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: Passport-a copy is then apostilled
[10/21/2013 5:58:50 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: divorce certificate (or the decision of the Court) that you have no idea-copy apostilled
[10/21/2013 5:59:17 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: certificate of marriage pravosoposbnosti-on the seal of Apostille. help.
[10/21/2013 5:59:34 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: all your documents we will translate here in Almaty
[10/21/2013 5:59:52 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: term 1 month calendar days.
[10/21/2013 06:01:16 μμ Labis] Kat: wait, ok?
[10/21/2013 06:01:23 μμ] Labis Kat::*
[10/21/2013 06:01:38 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: ok
[10/21/2013 06:02:34 μμ] Labis Kat: certificate of marriage pravosoposbnosti-on the seal of Apostille. help.
[10/21/2013 06:02:52 μμ] Labis Kat: pravosoposbnosti? translate, please
[10/21/2013 06:04:21 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: capacity ...(you're not married now, and since her boyfr divorce sostiš′ not married)
[10/21/2013 06:05:16 μμ] Labis Kat: ok!
[10/21/2013 06:05:57 μμ] Labis Kat: "certificate of marital capacity (after the divorce to the present-not married) with Apostille certificate must be ..."
[10/21/2013 06:06:44 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: Yes (with Apostille-this means printing is very sparvke)
[10/21/2013 06:06:52 μμ] Labis Kat: this is the same paper on the capacity marriage?
[10/21/2013 06:07:07 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: [Δευτέρα, 2013 6:13 Οκτωβρίου 21 μμ] Labis Kat:

capacity b < < <
[10/21/2013 06:07:32 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: this is the certificate that you are not married I..
[10/21/2013 06:08:01 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: how long after a divorce? I asked how much years you divorced.
[10/21/2013 06:08:10 μμ] Labis Kat: ok, wait. .. :*
[10/21/2013 6:13:22 μμ] Labis Kat: 1) certificate, which I'm not married
2) help I was married from my divorce so far, right?
3) a copy of the Passport (Apostille)
4) visas and registration card
5) certificate of divorce or judicial documents
okay? I missed something?
[10/21/2013 6:14:43 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: [Δευτέρα, 2013 6:20 Οκτωβρίου 21 μμ] Labis Kat:

1) < < < certificate that I am single
2) help I was married from my divorce so far, this one has the Apostille ...
[10/21/2013 6:15:18 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: you got a judgment for divorce or divorce certificate?
[10/21/2013 6:15:35 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: we have divorce..What have you in Greece?
[10/21/2013 6:15:46 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: Passport does not need to be an. ..
[10/21/2013 6:16:52 μμ Labis] Kat: Yes, I know about the Apostille, all my documents must be apostilled, I know
[10/21/2013 6:16:57 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: 1) passport (we will translate and certify by notary)
[10/21/2013 6:17:28 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: 2) certificate (or the decision of the Court-I do not know what you have) an Apostille (print)
[10/21/2013 06:18:09 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: not on the certificate to print and copy
[10/21/2013 06:19:09 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: Note that you are not married (wedding legal capacity) for this certificate Apostille (print)
[10/21/2013 6:19:53 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: all documents privoziš′ originals and copies (COPIES). and the help that is single-the Apostille
[10/21/2013 6:20:19 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: visa. Registration card (it will be at the airport)
[10/21/2013 6:20:39 μμ] Labis Kat: yes, ok!
[10/21/2013 6:20:53 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina::*
[10/21/2013 06:21:08 μμ] Labis Kat: xaxa, ok!!
[10/21/2013 6:21:13 μμ] Labis Kat::*
[10/21/2013 6:21:24 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: Why laugh?
[10/21/2013 06:22:01 μμ] Labis Kat: the horror! XAXA! Don't you worry, I will do it
[10/21/2013 6:22:49 μμ] Labis Kat: much information my love .... OK, I'll do it
[10/21/2013 06:23:05 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: What horror. Passport-buy/prolong ... Certificate (or the Court) of the divorce do you have. Help take away ...
[10/21/2013 6:23:15 μμ] Labis Kat: I'm with you
[10/21/2013 6:23:49 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: have you got all the help that only a single take and all. And if you set the Apostille on it and a copy of the divorce decree. and all ...
[10/21/2013 06:24:04 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: Perevrd we will make and certify the notary ...
[10/21/2013 6:24:16 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: Translation here.
[10/21/2013 06:25:01 μμ] Labis Kat: ok!
[10/21/2013 6:25:15 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: OK!
[10/21/2013 6:25:43 μμ] Labis Kat: you ask about the cost of the transfer and to assure?
[10/21/2013 06:28:04 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: why? I'll pay anything for two ...Our money will probably ...I also take part every time.I'll pay ...
[10/21/2013 6:28:48 μμ] Labis Kat::*
[10/21/2013 06:29:06 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina::*
[10/21/2013 6:31:50 μμ] Labis Kat: Well, listen, I will read again carefully all the information ... I'll write to you that we have here in Greece, okay? I think What we say on the same documents we need you here ... I'll read it later OK?
I must go my love, I have a job in the city, you're going to rest his back, okay? I don't want you anymore for today totrure ... We'll talk tomorrow, OK?
[10/21/2013 6:32:42 μμ] Labis Kat: you go rest. You are welcome... take care ...
[10/21/2013 6:33:44 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: OK
[10/21/2013 6:34:13 μμ] Labis Kat: I'll have the documents you do not worry, also you don't have to worry, I will come ... I love you... very ...
[10/21/2013 6:34:35 μμ] Kat: Labis (heart)
[10/21/2013 6:35:11 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: (heart)
[10/21/2013 6:35:51 μμ] Labis Kat: of course I love my Natasha! talk tomorrow, my sweet love ... OK?
[10/21/2013 6:36:18 μμ] Nataliya Dubrovina: ok
[10/21/2013 6:37:53 μμ] Labis Kat: I must go, I have an appointment, I should not be late, I have to work until the end. busy days ... I'll be fine, don't you worry. go relax, and hug your Labis. sure I feel that ... love you my Natasha.
[10/21/2013 6:38:13 μμ] Kat: Labis (heart)
Μεταφράζονται, παρακαλώ περιμένετε..
Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]
(21/10/2013 5:53:13 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: hi
[ 21/10/2013 5:53:24 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: i'm sorry that it hurts today serpentine snake..
[ 21/10/2013 5:53:36 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: I am not a girl..i'm sorry..
[ 21/10/2013 5:54:40 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: you want your international passport
[ 21/10/2013 5:54:48 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: Hey ...Your back hurts?
[ 21/10/2013 5:55:30 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: certificate of divorce (or the decision of the court) апостилированныи
[ 21/10/2013 5:55:31 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: serpentine snake..i'm sorry..
[ 21/10/2013 5:55:42 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: I am sorry my love is on the back ... I know,As this is painful ...
[ 21/10/2013 5:55:43 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: in biology, now it hurts a little
[ 21/10/2013 5:57:35 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: certificate only divorce need?
[ 21/10/2013 5:57:41 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа:Help on the matrimonial legal capacity (after the divorce to the present, and that was not married) should help апостилированная be ...
[ 21/10/2013 5:58:00 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: visa, registration card..
[ 21/10/2013 5:58:23 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа:Passport - a copy of a parties to the Hague Convention
[ 21/10/2013 5:58:50 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: certificate of divorce (or the decision of the court) that you have do not know - a copy of a апостилированная
[ 21/10/2013 5:59:17 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа:Help on marriage правосопосбности - at the most help print Russia is a state party..
[ 21/10/2013 5:59:34 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: all of the documents we are thy wards here in Almaty
[ 21/10/2013 5:59:52 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: term 1 month calendar days..
[ 21/10/2013 6:01 AM:16 Μμ] Lаbis Kat: wait, ok?
[ 21/10/2013 6:01:23 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: : *
[ 21/10/2013 6:01:38 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: ok
[ 21/10/2013 6:02:34 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: help on marriage правосопосбности - the most help print Russia is a state party..
[ 21/10/2013 6:02:52 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: правосопосбности a square pulse signal from Translate, please
(21/10/2013 6:04:21 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: capacity ... (that you are not married now, and since the empowerment divorce is not состишь in marriage)
(21/10/2013 6:05:16 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: ok!
[ 21/10/2013 6:05:57 am μμ] Lаbis Kat:"Help the matrimonial legal capacity (after the divorce to the present, and that was not married) should help апостилированная be ... "
[ 21/10/2013 6:06:44 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа:Yes (апостилированная - this means printing is the спарвке)
(21/10/2013 6:06:52 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: this is the same document on capacity marriage?
[ 21/10/2013 6:07:07 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: [Δευτέρα, 21 Οκτωβρίου 2013 6:13 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: Lord < (21/10/2013 6:07 AM:32 Μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: this help that you are now not состоишь in marriage..
[ 21/10/2013 6:08:01 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: how many years after the divorce? I have asked how years are you in divorce..
[ 21/10/2013 6:08:10 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: ok, wait.. : *
[ 21/10/2013 6:13:22 am μμ] Lаbis Kat:(1) a certificate that I am not married
2) help, that I was not married to my divorce so far, don't you think?
3) copy of passport (Apostille)
4) visa and registration card
5) certificate divorce or judicial documents
all in order?I can say that the missed?
[ 21/10/2013 6:14:43 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: [Δευτέρα, 21 Οκτωβρίου 2013 6:20 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: Lord <<< Rules (1) a certificate that I am not married
2) help, that I was not married to my divorce so far,this must be apostille ...
[ 21/10/2013 6:15 AM:18 Μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: you the decision of the court of divorce or divorce?
[ 21/10/2013 6:15:35 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: we have the certificate of divorce..that you in Greece??
[ 21/10/2013 6:15:46 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: the passport do not need apostille..
[ 21/10/2013 6:16 AM:52 Μμ] Lаbis Kat: Yes, I know about the apostille, all my documents must be apostille, i know,
[ 21/10/2013 6:16:57 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: (1) passport (we заверим and puts notary)
(21/10/2013 6:17:28 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа:(2) certificate (or the decision of the court - I don't know that you have) apostille (print)
(21/10/2013 6:18:09 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: not on the certificate print and copy
[ 21/10/2013 6:19:09 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа:Help that you are not married (wedding legal capacity) on this help apostille (print)
(21/10/2013 6:19:53 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: all documents привозишь originals and copies (copies Apostille). a help that is not married, the apostille
(21/10/2013 6:20:19 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: visa. Registration card (it will be at the airport)
(21/10/2013 6:20:39 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: Yes, ok!
[ 21/10/2013 6:20:53 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: : *
[ 21/10/2013 6:21:08 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: xаxа, ok!!!!!!
[ 21/10/2013 6:21:13 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: : *
[ 21/10/2013 6:21:24 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа:Why Connolly does his voice and?
[ 21/10/2013 6:22:01 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: The Horror! XAXA! You don't worry, I'll do it
[ 21/10/2013 6:22:49 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: much information my love .... Well, I'll do it
[ 21/10/2013 6:23:05 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: and that the horror. Passport - продлишь..A certificate (or the decision of the court) on divorce do you have a . Help lust ...
[ 21/10/2013 6:23:15 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: I am with you
[ 21/10/2013 6:23:49 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: Do you all have, only help that is not married lust and all.People praise and apostille in it and the copies of the divorce ... and all..
[ 21/10/2013 6:24:04 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: Переврд we here will do and the заверим notary ...
[ 21/10/2013 6:24:16 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: Translation here..
[ 21/10/2013 6:25:01 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: ok quoting or copying
[ 21/10/2013 6:25 AM:15 Μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: ok quoting or copying
[ 21/10/2013 6:25:43 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: You ask about the cost of translation and assure?
[ 21/10/2013 6:28:04 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: why? We live?" as any two people ... our money enough i think ... I will pass on that in this ... i'll pay..
(21/10/2013 6:28:48 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: : *
[ 21/10/2013 6:29:06 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: : *
[ 21/10/2013 6:31:50 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: Well, listen, I will read again carefully all of the information ... i will write to you, that we have here in Greece, well? I thinkThat we are talking about the same documents, you need here ... I will read later OK?
i must go, my love, I have a work in the city, you are going relax your back, well? I do not want to tоtrure you more for today ...We are going to talk about tomorrow, well?
[ 21/10/2013 6:32:42 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: are you going the rest ... please ... take care ...
[ 21/10/2013 6:33:44 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: ok
[ 21/10/2013 6:34:13 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: i have documents, you don't worry,Also you do not need to worry about, I am sure you will ... i love you ... very ...
[ 21/10/2013 6:34:35 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: (heart)
(21/10/2013 6:35:11 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: (heart)
(21/10/2013 6:35:51 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: Of course, I love my Natasha!Let's talk about tomorrow my sweet love ... OK?
[ 21/10/2013 6:36:18 am μμ] Nаtаliyа Dubrоvinа: ok
[ 21/10/2013 6:37:53 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: I have to go now, I have a appointment, I should not be too late, I also have to work up to the end of the ... hard days ...I will be in the order, you don't worry .. go to relax and cuddle your Lаbis be ... i am sure that I don't feel that ... i love you my Natasha ..
[ 21/10/2013 6:38:13 am μμ] Lаbis Kat: (heart)
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